Public transport has been a choice of many commuters despite the fact that they may not be as enjoyable as commuting in your own personal vehicles. Use of public transport eases congestion, reduces the amount of emissions and you have plenty of time to watch and socialize with your neighbors. In addition, public transport can offer a cheaper and a quicker route. However, the number of personal vehicles on the roads is rising. In this article we focus on the pros and cons of using public transport;

The main Advantages of using public means are;

1. Public transport offers a greener form of travelling; if you are conscious about taking care of the environment, then public transport should be your choice of travel. Car journeys contribute to a large amount of the overall carbon print and according to the studies nearly half of the US citizens drive short journeys that would be completed in another suitable way.

2. It is convenient; if there is something that stands out with the whole public industry, is the fact that it gets you where you want to be and when you want to be there. You also have a chance to sit, relax while someone does the driving.

3. It is quicker and cheaper; As much as there are some there may be delays in arrival and departure time, the time taken from point A to B is quite short and while using a public means of transport, it costs you, as the traveller way much less than the amount you would have bought gas as well as use in packing. Also, you do not need to pay insurance and tax fees as opposed to do when using a private means of transport or when you are using local same day courier companies.

4. There is no need to look for parking; one of the main challenges faced by people owning private vehicles, is the hunt for a parking space available at the arrival of your destination. This is contributed by the fact that the space is scarce and also expensive. While using a public means of transport, there is no need to worry about such a thing. You only need to alight once the destination is reached. Looking for a parking often makes the car owner to spend more time to the driving journey.

Public transport also has some limiting factors which sometimes push the commuters away from using them. Some of the common disadvantages of using public transport are;

  • You cannot dictate how much you will spend on fare. The ticket prices may rise without the knowledge of the commuters.
  • The customer service you receive at the public transport is not appealing at all.
  • iii. Since the demand is high during rush hours, you are not guaranteed to get a space in the public transport and if you are not careful, you may get to your destination quite late.
  • As mentioned earlier, public transport cause delays thus making them quite unreliable means of transport.

Having covered the pros and cons of using public means, it is now up to you to make a solid decision on the best means of transport that suits you.